Sunday, April 28, 2013

04/13/13: Playing with Samara

April 13, 2013

Today was a relaxing day. We mainly just stayed cool inside and only went out to get food. Seth and I had lots of fun playing with Samara.

In the morning Seth and Samara had some nice quality time.

Then Samara showed us how good she is at tummy time (and also how cute she is).

The morning was so fun, so Samara wanted to play more in the evening!

I think she is trying to tell Seth how much she loves him.

Finally, Samara wants to impress Seth by showing him how well she can "walk."

Friday, April 19, 2013

04/12/13: Samara tries the beach

April 12, 2013

In the morning, Samara, Seth, and I took the bus to Old San Juan where we visited the Fort San Felipe del Morro. Samara slept the whole time except when she woke up extremely hungry and a very nice park ranger let us in his office to nurse and change her.

In the afternoon, we walked to the beach that was just footsteps from the apartment we were staying in. Samara was able to feel the sand and ocean on her feet.

04/11/13: First full day in Puerto Rico

April 11, 2013

Today is Samara's first full day in Puerto Rico. She seemed content in the morning after she ate:

We decided to walk around San Juan and ended up near the beach. After Samara ate, we decided to take some pictures.

This is where we discovered that Samara doesn't really like the wind blowing in her face. Look at that frown!

Seth tried cheering her up.

I tried holding Samara as well, but I think she wasn't finding it to be any more fun.

I think she is thinking, "Well, this is getting old."

But I managed to make her feel happy for a minute or two.

Seth tried one more time then we decided to head back to our apartment.

04/10/13: Samara is 10 weeks old!

April 10, 2013

Today Samara is 10 weeks old! She is super-pumped to go on her first vacation to Puerto Rico.

Here you can see that she is all packed and ready to go:

Once she realized that isn't what we meant by "packing" for the trip we were ready to head to Logan and go on her first plane ride! Seth made sure that she was comfortable and felt loved during the ride:

04/08/13: My name is Samara and I am super cute

April 8, 2013

Samara is getting good at making facial expressions, so she is pretty entertaining to watch.

Here she is pensive:

Here she is surprised:

And here she is happy:

04/07/13: Grampi and Grandma visit!

April 7, 2013

Today Grampi and Grandma visited, but Samara was still having a fussy week. Luckily, there were some moments during the visit where Grampi and Grandma could enjoy her company. Here are a few of those moments:

Monday, April 8, 2013

04/01/13: Hi! I'm 9 weeks old!

April 1, 2013

Samara is 9 weeks old this week! She wants to say "Hi!"

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

03/31/13: Samara visits Aunty Sarah for Easter!

March 31, 2013

Today was Samara's first Easter. She was very happy and excited to go to Aunty Sarah's!

As you can see, Aunty Sarah loves Samara!

It looks like Samara feels right at home...

Samara had so much fun that when she got home, she was all tuckered out.

03/28/13: I move around a lot when I sleep

March 28, 2013