Today, when I went to feed Samara after she napped, here is what I saw:
I assume she ended up this way because she is trying to roll over, but it is still causes me to ask, "What is she doing?"
Later on that afternoon, Samara was in the Jumperoo and I was trying to show her the other toys that were on it. I started spinning this lizard that had some balls in with it, and she started to squeal. While some squeals sounded happy, other ones bordered on sounding scared. I don't know which way was actually the correct interpretation. Which again makes me ask, "What is she doing?"
The final "What is she doing?" moment of the day also occurred while she was in the Jumperoo. I started playing with the floppy butterfly toy, and then she started to ravenously suck on it and the seat. Maybe she was really hungry? Or maybe she just had a ravenous appetite, who knows?