Saturday, October 26, 2013

09/15/13: Baby Naming Ceremony

September 15, 2013

Today was Samara's baby naming. As you can see, Samara is quite excited.

She was playing with her hair brush and the tv remote to pass the time until the ceremony.

Ceremony time! Samara had some nice blessings said in her honor. Here are a couple (rare) family pics.

Afterwards, Samara wanted to have some fun, so she tried the slide.

This is her "I don't know how I feel about this" face.

Here is a nice picture of Samara with Ellen, Shari, and Renee.

Samara is so cute she attracts both adults and children alike.

More quality time with Grandma!

Lexi was being shy through the door.

Then Yoey came over and was being playful and loving with Samara.

Not wanting to be left out, Dina came over to play.

When all the guests left, Samara passed out from all the fun.

To end the day, a fun shot with Daddy. Samara's hair makes her look like a hammerhead shark!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

09/14/13: Visit to NJ

September 14, 2013

This weekend Seth, Samara, and I were in New Jersey for Samara's baby naming. We just hung around Grandma and Pop Pop's house while waiting for Grandma and Grampi to get in town.

Samara had a lot of fun chomping on Pop Pop's watch, and Pop Pop had fun playing with Samara.

Next, Samara had some fun Daddy-shoulder time.

Samara has a tendency to eat people's hair. In this video she acts like a zombie baby with Seth.

Pop Pop always manages to get Samara back in his arms, although this time she was on his shoulders. She immediately began chomping on his hair.

This is a rare family photo. Although Samara doesn't really look ready for the camera.

Finally, after a LONG drive, Grampi and Grandma arrived. The wait was worth it, though. Grampi looks so happy to Samara again.

Friday, October 4, 2013

09/13/13: I like to roll...

September 13, 2013

Samara has started to use rolling to get her from one place to another, rather than trying to crawl. She knows that she can eventually reach a toy or get to a new place if she rolls around a million times. I am not sure if this is lazy or smart. Recently, she started leaving the confines of the foam mat. Now we can no longer just plunk her down and assume she won't get into any mischief. I don't want her to be mobile just yet!

Oh, how did I get here?

09/08/13: First football game

September 8, 2013

Today the Giants game was on, so Samara and Seth spent some Daddy/daughter time together. Samara's eyes are glued to the bright, flashing lights of the tv:

She started leaning in closer towards the tv. Maybe she will like football and she can be Seth's football buddy.


Make the field goal...

That was exciting. Let's play now, Daddy!

Daddy's funny. I love Daddy.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

09/06/13: I like to....

September 6, 2013

Samara likes to....

1) Look at Mommy while Daddy is holding her

2) Rake your face with her baby dagger fingernails

3) Stick her hands in your mouth

4) Moosh your face all around

09/01/13: Labor Day weekend at Aunty's, Part 2

September 1, 2013

After a long night of restless, painful teething sleep, the next day was surprisingly pleasant. Samara was quite calm in the morning.

Samara got really excited when Seth put her up on his shoulders. She seemed to like the view and stopped to chomp on Seth's hair every now and then.

After that, Seth put Samara on his lap to spend more time with her. I LOVE this picture of Seth with Samara. It's too bad I couldn't get her face in the picture as well.

Ace came along to sniff around, and Samara was intrigued by him. He walked away at some point and her arms extended out after him. She missed him, so I called him back. These shots are one of her first experiences with a dog.

After quality time with Daddy, Samara spent some time being held by Grandma and Grampi.

The final picture of the post is a happy capture with Auntie Sarah.