Sunday, November 17, 2013

10/02/13: I can clap!

October 2, 2013

Seth and I have one of those baby mirrors in the car where you can see your baby in the rearview mirror, which I love. I like knowing if she is sleeping, I like watching her play, I like watching her smile after she sneezes, and I like having the piece of mind of knowing she is OK if I hear her coughing or make making weird noises. On our way back home today, I looked in the mirror just in time to see her clapping! I have realized that some behaviors Samara exhibits only last a few days and then they disappear, so I like to try to capture them as soon as I see them. So, as soon as I pull into the driveway I pulled my phone out and took this video:

10/01/13: Family picture

October 1, 2013

At the request (and when I say request, I mean demand) of the Russian infant room teacher at daycare, Seth, Samara, and I took a quick family picture. Between the yellow room, the light bulbs, and my lack of desire to properly white balance the camera, the picture is not the best quality. But, it is a rare opportunity to see the three of us together.

09/29/13: I like to take the play mat apart

September 29, 2013

Samara's new thing is to play with the edges of the play mat. She crawls over to the edge, pulls an edge piece off, then starts madly brandishing it in the air. Sometimes she gets one in each hand and lies on her back and goes to town waving them in circles.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

09/26/13: My best seal out of water impression

September 26, 2013

Samara crawls! She looks more like a seal out of water, but she is still cute. I like how she uses her right toe to help propel herself forward.

09/24/13: I can stand with support

September 24, 2013

Samara recently built up some core strength and can stand with support. It is funny how things sort of come together at once, so it seems like it happened overnight.

09/23/13: I like to stick out my tongue

September 23, 2013

In case you didn't believe me before, Samara LOVES sticking her tongue out right now.

09/21/13: Baby playdate

September 21, 2013

Today Seth, Samara, and I went to hang out with some of the families I met through my new mom's group. I hadn't seen the babies in a while, and it was fun to them army crawling, babbling, playing, and being cute.

We also realized how difficult it is to get a good picture of all 4 babies.

09/19/13: Look what I learned to do at daycare

September 19, 2013

Samara picked up a new behavior from an older baby at daycare:

She has been doing this ALL THE TIME. 

09/17/13: New things

September 17, 2013

I observed a lot of new developments with Samara today.

Her first tooth broke through her gums. You might be a able to catch brief glimpses of a little white spot in the bottom of her mouth in this video of her babbling:

Next, she developed the ability to pick up toys and bang them together, which you can see in the video below. She can also pass toys back and forth between her hands, but I haven't been able to catch that yet.

Samara is also getting very close to being able to crawl. She wants to reach for toys just beyond her grasp, but she gives up, not knowing how to make her body crawl.

The last video of this post captures some decision-making. Samara wants to play with a toy, but there are a bunch of them scattered around her beyond her reach. She does a tricky roll move to get a toy, but then she ends up in a predicament when they are all far away again. She takes some time to weigh her options, and figures out which toy is the closest.

Finally, here is Samara looking cute at daycare. Samara was so cute, one of the infant room teachers just had to snap a picture and shared it with me.

Stay tuned for more posts. I am trying to catch up!

Friday, November 15, 2013

09/08/13: Apple picking

September 8, 2013

Today Seth, Samara, and I went apple picking with some other families in my local playgroup.

Samara had fun riding on the train, looking around at other people, touching the plants, and hanging with Seth.

Although Samara was relatively unsuccessful at eating fruit (having no teeth yet), she was very good at gumming/licking the fruit.

Samara also had a fun time seeing Jake, a baby who she has known since she was 3 weeks old!

09/01/13: Out of order and old trick

September 1, 2013

Um, yeah. I haven't been posting for an absurdly long time and I apologize for that. I recently updated my phone and all these photo and video files transferred that never transferred before. I have posted a video similar to this one before, but completely lied to you saying it was a "new" trick. It apparently was an old trick because Samara started doing that a month before I posted about it. Anyhoo, Samara is doing her trick more enthusiastically this time.