Tuesday, September 16, 2014

9/14/14: Bread

September 14, 2014

I made some homemade French bread today. Samara really liked it.

9/13/14: Grampi, Grandma, and Aunty visit

September 13, 2014

Grampi, Grandma, and Aunty Sarah visited today. Aunty Sarah had recently come back from New Mexico and bought Samara some gifts. One gift was a pair of maracas, which I am assuming was chosen due to their noisy nature.

Samara has been improving at putting on shoes. Not only does she have a better idea as to what shoe goes on what foot, but she is getting quite good at walking in them and, with sandals, knows to put the thong between her toes.

I especially like the part where Samara remembers where the flip flops were originally located and puts them back in their exact place.

Samara also got to play a fun game of peek-a-boo behind the curtains with Aunty Sarah.

Finally, Grampi and Grandma brought some money to add to Samara's piggy banks.

9/9/14: Mmmm food

September 9, 2014

For Samara's 1st dinner, she enjoyed a nice burrito. When I say enjoyed, I mean she took a few bites of it, specifically picked out and ate the kidney beans, then ate just the wrapper.

Then Daddy came home and warmed up some pizza for himself, making Samara want second dinner. Here is one of Samara's first bites.

At one point, Samara shoved the pizza away, then proceeded to pick off just a pepperoni and stuck it in her mouth. I guess she already knows what the good stuff is.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

9/7/14: Football

September 7, 2014

Seth finally has a football buddy in the house.

9/6/14: I am so cute

September 6, 2014

It must be really hard being Samara - being so cute and all. Here she is modeling her bear hoodie.

Here she is checking herself out in my front-facing camera.

Oooh, this has ears.

Sometimes when Samara is acting a little restless, I pull her onto my lap and we watch old videos of her. The video below is when we are watching the old Spaghetti giggles video.

9/2/14: Noodles, Part II

September 2, 2014.

Samara LOVES noodles right now. As you can see in the video below, Samara is enjoying her shrimp scampi, minus the shrimp and vegetables. She is also perfecting the technique of the two-handed noodle delivery, followed by the sucking up of extra long noodles into her mouth.

She had pasta for lunch at daycare this week and her teachers told me how hilarious she was sucking up each individual noodle strand. As a result, she came home covered in sauce.

9/1/14: Bucket hats

September 1, 2014

Today Grampi and Grandma stopped by on their way home from Maine. Samara and Grampi had fun putting buckets on their heads like they were big fun hats.

8/31/14: Craisins and corn

August 31, 2014

Samara likes to eat in places that are less than ideal for someone who likes toddler messes to be contained. I will let her eat yogurt that I spoon feed her on the counter, and for non-crumby foods, I will let her sit at the table like a big kid. Here, she is snacking on some Craisins. Although hard to tell from these pictures, she really does like them.

For dinner that evening, Samara was happily munching on a corn on the cob. Presenting the entire cob is so much more appealing to her than individual kernels in a bowl. After taking a few big bites of kernels, she ends up chomping on the end.

8/30/14: Noodles, Part I

August 30, 2014

We went out to dinner this evening and got Samara a big plate of stir-fried noodles. She loved them, but picked around every piece of pork and vegetable that was stuck to each noodle she ate. Seth is afraid she is going to be that kid that only eats carbs. Let's hope that doesn't happen.

8/29/14: Playing dress up

August 29, 2014

Samara saw my work jacket hanging from the back of a kitchen chair and wanted to put it on. Watch how happy she is.

In between trying on my jacket, she was playing with her toy laptop. Samara has left it in Spanish mode, so can say things like "ocho" and "hola."

Then Samara went back to wanting to wear the jacket again.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

8/27/14: Shape sorter

August 27, 2014

Samara recently received this elephant shape sorter (thanks, Nicole, Yann, and Spencer!) but didn't really get how to match the shapes. I would have to spin to find the correct hole, and then Samara would be able to push the shapes in. However, today was the first day that she displayed the ability to perform the entire process herself.

8/22/14: Cars and buses

August 22, 2014

Today we had Friday playgroup at DeFazio Tot Lot. Samara loves the little Cozy Coupes that are there and always runs to claim one of them.

She has only figured out how to push herself backwards in them, though.

In addition, she knows how to beep the horn.

She also enjoyed driving the bus.

8/21/14: Earrings!

August 21, 2014

Samara got her ears pierced today. I went in expecting a disaster, but she handled the situation very well. We went to her doctor, who very carefully measured and ensured the proper and symmetrical placement of the holes. Samara sat very still for the first piercing and, as expected, cried once the pain/warmth set in. What was unexpected is that she sat very still for the second piercing as well! The doctor commented how impressed she was with Samara's composure. Samara was still pretty upset when we walked out into the waiting room, but she was happy as soon as she saw the fish tank.

8/19/14: Tuesday playgroup

August 19, 2014

Today's Tuesday playgroup had a fairly big turnout. Here is a shot of most of the kids. Unfortunately, Samara did not want to look at my camera.

8/18/14: Sneakers

August 18, 2014

Samara loves putting on my shoes. She is getting quite good at walking in them.

Here is a front view with her cute little face:

And here is a back view showing her cute little bum:

8/17/14: Gym

August 17, 2014

Samara has really started to love and be comfortable at the gym. She explores all the toys and interacts with them in different ways. Most kids just take balls out of this bucket and put them back in, but Samara removes all the balls so she can climb inside. She started rocking back and forth, which was really fun until she went too far and fell over.

For several weeks in a row, there has been at least one kid that has followed her around and copied how Samara plays. Future trendsetter and leader, perhaps?

The class always ends with parachute time and bubbles. It is so amusing how much kids like bubbles.

8/16/14: Tired

August 16, 2014

I put Samara down for nap time, but she didn't sleep very long. She was crying and too upset for me to just let her sit in her crib, so I got her and she let me cuddle with her on the couch. She was falling asleep, so I wondered what would happen if I just let her lie down. Apparently, she would sleep for another hour in this position:

8/15/14: Playground again

August 15, 2014

Samara and I hosted playgroup today, so we were back at Greene's Field Playground. Samara loves slides, so that's where we spent most of our time. She got pretty brave with this slide and started letting herself go down it pretty quickly. I like how Samara says "bum" and "whooo" in the first 5 seconds of the video.

If she isn't going on the slide, her second favorite activity is walking across this little bridge. It is hard to hear, but at 0:05 and 0:23, she lets out a little squeal. Then, at 0:32, she says, "Hi, baby" twice. I say it back to her, and whenever Samara watches the video, it is at this point that she also says, "Hi, baby."