Saturday, January 31, 2015

1/23/15: Little brother

January 23, 2015

Zane is starting to grow on Samara. He might be too little and cute to resent forever. Samara wants to hold him a lot more now.

The following photos are courtesy of Alan. Thanks!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

1/22/15: Changing baby's diaper

January 22, 2015

Zane is slowly growing on Samara, but she is still an impatient toddler so sometimes it is funny to watch her interact with him. Samara wants to hold Zane and gently pats his head, and then two seconds later she is over him and starts pushing him off her lap. She always wants to help. She likes to rock him when he is in the Sleep 'n Play, but she rocks him very aggressively and usually wakes him up from his nap. This evening, she was practicing changing her baby's diaper. At 0:15 it reminds me to never let Samara hold Zane by herself for a really long time.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

1/21/15: Getting used to being a big sister

January 21, 2015

As I neared my due date with Zane, I was starting to get nervous about how Samara was going to react to him. It is foolish to think the transition would be seamless, and I knew that she was going to be super jealous as she is such a Mommy's girl. That, on top of the fact that she has had high fevers for the past week and Seth and I being at the hospital for two days didn't help things.

Here is how the past few days have been:

Day 0: Home from the hospital

When we pulled into the driveway, Samara and Nana were looking out the window waiting for us. I brought Zane inside and Samara immediately looked at me, pointed at him, and excitedly said, "Baby! Baby!"

Zane was sleeping so I pulled her into my lap and hugged her tight. Unfortunately, Zane started to cry so someone handed him to me. Zane's crying made Samara cry. She is a very empathetic girl (when a friend cries at daycare she hugs them), so maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I put Zane in my lap and the crap hit the fan. Samara started screaming, "Mama!" and was clawing to get into my lap. Fast forward a few hours during which she doesn't want anyone else to touch her, is always in my lap when Zane isn't, and can't even help/watch Zane being nursed.

She did calm down a little bit when the whole family was seated on the couch. I was able to prop Zane on my shoulder and have Samara sit in my lap. It was a long first day.

Day 1: Back to daycare

Samara went to daycare and Seth forgot to mention that she now has a baby brother. She was still not eating/drinking well and her lips were are cracked and bloody from being dehydrated. Daycare called, concerned about her ability to drink, and I informed them about the new baby. An hour later the director called to congratulate me and talk about what they could do to ease the transition. It was a nice, touching conversation. Seth picked her up from daycare and the evening was pretty extremely touch and go.

Day 2: Getting better

The next day I picked Samara up from daycare, and I made sure to feed Zane before I left so I could have some solo Mommy-daughter time with Samara. She was super excited to see me and apparently was pretend nursing a baby doll throughout the day. She was also drinking a lot better today. When we got home, having Nana be with Zane made the evening a lot easier to deal with. It was still tough and full of tantrums, but better.

Day 3: Making progress

Today was a turning point for Samara. She ate all her food and her lips are looking much better. She had a great time at daycare and had one or two less tantrums in the evening. She gets very curious when I am nursing Zane and got REALLY close to see what was happening.

To end this long, detailed blog post, I will leave you with a picture of a sleep-deprived mom and her two precious children.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

1/16/15: Passed out in Mommy and Daddy's bed

January 16, 2015

Samara hasn't been able to shake a fever for about a week now, so she has been pretty miserable. She doesn't want to eat or drink anything, and she also doesn't want to walk. When she does, she walks cautiously and looks like her muscles are sore. She also sleeps terribly, and keeps us up at night. We have had to take her into our bed just so we can get some sleep. This morning, she looked so cute I had to take a picture before waking her up!

1/13/15: In the pantry

January 13, 2015

Most of the time the pantry is off limits. The times that Samara does sneak in there, she turns around to see if you are watching her do something "forbidden" and she has this very self-satisfied smile on her face. Then she wreaks havoc and starts pulling everything off of the shelves. She has been pretty good about repeating words that are said to her, so I wanted to document her progress.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

1/10/15: Isis 2-year get together

January 10, 2015

Some of us from my Isis Great Beginnings parenting group got together to catch up and celebrate all the upcoming 2 year-old birthdays. Samara very much enjoyed her Elmo cupcake by eating his face first.

Right before everyone started to leave, we took some group photos of the kiddos. Here is the best one.

1/8/15: Putting the chair back

January 8, 2015

I really like this helpful toddler stage that Samara is in right now (it probably helps that she inherited some of my OCD crazy). After she is done eating dinner in the middle of the kitchen, she always puts her chair back in its place and looks very pleased with herself when she is done. The best part is that she says "Push" repeatedly while returning the chair.

1/7/15: Pulling apart blocks

January 7, 2015

Aunt Shari, Uncle Noah, and cousins Yoey, Dina, and Ozzy gave Samara some Bristle Blocks for Hanukkah (Thank you!). The best part of watching her play with them is when she tries pulling them apart, and shakes with effort. In the video below you can hear her say "Apart" as well as watch some funny shaking.

1/6/15: New spot for dinner

January 6, 2015

Samara, for some reason, likes to get her high chair and pushes it to the middle of the kitchen to eat her dinner. The new location seems to have spurred her appetite again, so I am cool with it.

1/4/15: Samara Selfie

January 4, 2015

Samara likes taking my phone and:

1) gibberish talks to Siri
2) drops it
3) hangs up on people whilst talking or FaceTiming
4) looks at herself in the camera and takes selfies

Friday, January 2, 2015

1/1/15: Balance bike

January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

Nana came up for a few days and had a great time bonding with Samara. We finally remembered to open her last gift from Pop Pop and Grandma, which was a balance bike. While Samara loves the bikes at daycare, she seems a bit wary and hesitant with this one.

12/30/14: Braids

December 30, 2014

In addition to transitioning to the Discovery Preschool room at daycare this week, another change is that Samara has started asking for braids in her hair. Look how cute they look!

12/28/14: Shoes

December 28, 2014

I don't think a day goes by without Samara putting on a pair of my shoes. Today she started clomping around in some mid-heels, then stopped to grab a more sensible pair of sandals. Getting the thong in between the correct toes was easy for the first sandal, but frustrating for the second. She croaks out a little, "Help. Help, please," at the end.

12/27/14: Cooking and funny Samara babbles

December 27, 2014

This morning Samara wanted to make sure we started our day right by cooking broccoli for us.

And in the evening, she wanted to make sure that we blew on our hot pizza so we wouldn't burn ourselves. She also manages to squeeze in some funny talk about Seth and showers/poop, as well as some funny noises.

12/26/14: New hat (again)

December 26, 2014

Samara lost a mitten again, so we bought two new hat and mitten sets. Here is the more fun hat of the two.

12/25/14: Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas! We started the morning by practicing how to jump, like they do in swim class.

Then we headed to Grampi and Grandma's for Christmas. Below, Grandma is putting some new bracelets on Samara.

12/24/14: Christmas Eve present!

December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas Eve and Happy Birthday, Seth!

Grampi and Grandma came up today to drop off a special Christmas gift for Samara: a kitchen set complete with pots and pans and food! Thanks Grampi, Grandma, Aunty Sarah, and Uncle Steve! This is the toy that has kept her attention the longest.

12/15/14: School picture

December 15, 2014

Samara gets school pictures taken at daycare twice a year, and they always look horrible. She either looks sleepy, with one eye more open than the other, or she looks like a sad, sullen girl because she hasn't learned to smile at the camera yet. This year, she actually got her picture taken twice, and 1 out of the 6 shots came out decently well. I am not sure what made her pose so coyly.

12/14/14: Sit n'Spin, making a mess, and a high-heeled diva

December 14, 2014

Today Samara finally figured out how to use the Sit n'Spin.

Unfortunately, all she wanted to do was stand or sit on top of it after that, which quickly ends the fun.

Next, she found some mats that have a lot of parts you can punch out, so she made a mess out of them.

Finally, Samara found my highest heels and decided she wanted to clomp around in them like a diva...

complete with throwing her sippy on the floor.

12/12/14: Samara silliness

December 12, 2014

Samara was in a silly mood today. First, she wanted to chomp on a huge piece of bread.

Then, she was playing with a paper towel tube and screaming, "Mama, nuts!" or "More nuts!" The best/worst thing is when I asked her to say, "More nuts, please," and she responds, "no."

Finally, she climbed into a little toy storage box and was blowing into her bird whistle.

12/9/14: Pistachio

December 9, 2014

Samara used to be a really good eater, but at home she is getting pretty picky. She says no to most vegetables right away and only wants to eat crackers. We have been able to get her to eat nuts, which makes us feel a little bit better as they are full of fat (she is getting pretty skinny). Seth tries to get her to say the names of the nuts before she eats them. Here, she says, "Pistachio."

11/28/14: Samara loves Pop Pop

November 28, 2014

Seth, Samara, and I made our way down to the NY/NJ area for Thanksgiving. Samara has a special place in her heart for Pop Pop - so much so that she actually fell asleep next to him on the couch.

11/23/14: So tired

November 23, 2014

Grampi, Grandma, and Aunty Sarah visited today. All the excitement made Samara so tired that she fell asleep while I was trying to feed her dinner!

I moved her from the high chair to the couch, where she barely woke up. She was so sleepy!

*You can see more Instagram pics of Samara (these get posted in a more timely manner, though infrequently) if you follow lingskillet.

11/22/14: Fun with Daddy and more cleaning

November 22, 2014

Samara enjoyed some fun tickle time with Daddy this morning.

Then, she went back to the hall closet and grabbed some cleaning supplies. I threw on some Swiffer pads just in case some actual cleaning could get done. My favorite part is when she Swiffers the Swiffer.

11/21/14: Swiffering, Part I

November 21, 2014

Samara is in her helpful toddler phase where she wants to clean the house. Today she got into the closet where we keep some of our cleaning supplies. She grabbed the Swiffer and tried as best as she could to clean the floor.

11/18/14: Purses and clementine rolling

November 18, 2014

Today was a low-key, relaxed day. Samara was sitting still long enough for me to take some pictures of her. Here you can see her modeling her bun and overalls.

She re-discovered the little purse that Aunty Sarah gave her, so she was trying hard to figure out how the clasp worked.

Recently, Samara has been loving clementines. I suppose I am weird, but I like rolling the clementine around on the table - it makes me think the rolling makes it easier to peel. Regardless, Samara gets a kick out of it.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

11/8/14: Winter hat

November 8, 2014

I had to buy Samara new mittens, as she loses them (and socks) at daycare quite frequently. Her new thing is to put on and take off her mittens frequently, as well as slipping them into other kids' pockets. Here is Samara looking cute in her new hat that matches her mittens.

11/7/14: Dinosaur slippers

November 7, 2014

Samara was a dinosaur for Halloween. I bought the costume months before October because Carter's had a 40% off sale and I couldn't help myself. Seth decided, pretty much at the last minute, that he would order an adult dinosaur costume with matching dinosaur slippers, which he wasn't even going to receive before Halloween. I guess he can use it for baby #2. The costume came recently, and here is Samara checking out the slippers.

10/31/14: Make-shift drums

October 31, 2014

For Halloween, Samara and I went to Seth's work for his Halloween party. There was a little costume parade now that the company has a critical mass of employees with families, followed by some food and hanging out. Samara was getting fancy by eating different types of Brie. Seth had to complete some work, so Samara and I hung out in his office while he finished. I was a little bored, but Samara found a way to amuse herself.

10/29/14: Jump!

October 29, 2014

Samara is trying to learn how to jump. At swim class, they are supposed to jump off the side of the pool into the water, but Samara sort of bends from the waist and falls in. We are trying to change that. Here is an early attempt at teaching her how to do it.

10/26/14: Halloween fun

October 26, 2014

We went to Franklin Park Zoo to do a little bit of trick-or-treating and to see the animals. If you can't tell, Samara is a dinosaur.

The lion was really close to the window, so we stayed a bit while Samara ooh'd and aah'd.

Later that afternoon, a few of us from my Great Beginnings baby group got together with the kids and husbands for some food and costumes. Of course, none of the kids wanted to stay in their costumes very long, but we were able to get a few group shots.

This is the best group shot:

This is the worst group shot, but I caught Samara making a funny face.