Monday, February 23, 2015

2/14/15: Happy Valentine's Day

February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day! The morning started off in a sweet way with a nice loving moment:

Seth and Samara went to swim class, then to the grocery store where they were given free chocolate covered strawberries. Samara ate the chocolate and only nibbled on the strawberries (photos courtesy of Seth).

When they got back from the store, Samara had fun wearing my sweatshirt and showing us how much of a daredevil she is by "jumping" off the table.

2/9/15: I love you and feeding baby

February 9, 2015

I have been trying to get Samara to say I love you because I think that would be the best thing ever to hear come out of her mouth. I got her to repeat it twice today. The next step is to get her to say it on her own.

I think I have mentioned before that Samara is a really good observer and imitator. She has seen me nurse Zane for a while now, and she also seen me nurse with a cover. Today she decided to feed her own baby doll.

2/8/15: I love my brother, snow, and Grampi and Grandma visit

February 8, 2015

Samara had a great day. To start, she had a very cute morning showering her brother with kisses. These two videos are the same videos that I posted on Zane's blog.

I love how she says bless you and that Zane needs a tissue.

A record amount of snow has fallen already, so when Seth had some energy leftover from shoveling, we bundled Samara up and took her out to play. This is Samara's first experience in the sled.

After Seth learned how to pull her, Samara still doesn't look that impressed with the experience.

Maybe she isn't a fan of sledding...

But, she did warm up to it. Here, she gets to practice counting before getting a nice big push from Daddy.

When Samara had enough of the sled, she walked around and explored the snow.

Then, Seth showed Samara other ways to play in the snow. Here, he makes a Samara impression.

And here, Seth plops her in a big pile of snow. Samara looks like she may like it.

But then you can see how her opinion changes through this series of pictures.

After that she was done with snow for the day. Shortly after, Grampi and Grandma arrived! They played and acted silly, especially Grampi who talks in a special high voice with Samara. As Grampi and Grandma were getting ready to leave, Samara wanted to wear Grampi's hat, which is quite unique. It is a red visor with crazy fake gray hair coming out the top. It looks totally weird on everyone, except Samara. She manages to make it look really cute.

And, of course, here are the selfies.

2/7/15: Dancing and eating pizza

February 7, 2015

I have mentioned before that Samara loves music and dancing to it. Today, she showed Seth and me some new (albeit, unsteady) moves.

Samara also showed us how to eat pizza in an unconventional way while having fun.

2/6/15: Airplane

February 6, 2015

Today Samara built an "airplane" out of blocks. This is the first time I have seen her add to her pretend play. In the video below, you can see that she is holding the blocks above her head in the air, making a "whoosh" noise that planes make. She is also recording the video.

2/2/15: Spoon silliness

February 2, 2015

Samara has tons of accessories and play food for her kitchen now, and she is quite good at pretend cooking and eating. Today, she was acting silly with a spoon while watching herself in the camera.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

2/1/15: Superbowl

February 1, 2015

We stayed in for a low-key Superbowl Sunday. In anticipation of the game, Samara loaded up on some cereal. Seth was trying to get Samara to say the name, which is "Nutty Nuggets" (generic version of Grape Nuts).

After playtime, Samara and I were reading some books to wind down for nap time. I sing songs before putting her in bed, and Samara has become pretty good at learning some of the words. Here, she sings the alphabet song with me (she actually know more letters, but before nap and bedtime she doesn't sing as much). She insisted on holding the phone herself, so that's why it is so jumpy and off-center. Seth and my favorite part of the alphabet song is "LMNO," as she has no idea what the letters actually are so she makes up a comical, nonsense noise.

As game time approached, we gathered as a family on the couch to cheer on the Pats.

Samara may have inherited my apathy towards football, as she went off and played with her Duplos for a bit. I like her energy-saving stance as she rolls her car around.

Seth joined Samara on the mat, when the Patriots scored a touchdown. Seth showed Samara how to celebrate.

Samara's first Superbowl ended with a crazy, last-minute Pats win!

1/30/15: Happy 2nd Birthday, Samara!

January 30, 2015

Today Samara turns 2! Happy birthday to my sweet little girl who is talking, learning, singing, and making me laugh in new ways every day. Looking forward to another fun year!

"I see you!"

Saturday, February 14, 2015

1/27/15: Hi Yane

January 27, 2015

Samara always wants to hold Zane - she says, "Hold it," when she sees him. Or, she says "Hi Yane," and kisses his head or hands. It is pretty cute.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

1/24/15: 2nd Birthday

January 24, 2015

Today was Zane's bris, and Samara showed everyone how she is turning into a loving older sister (photos courtesy of Aunty Sarah).

...And because both my sister and father are obsessed with taking selfies, it is no surprise that this photo happened.

Since everyone was around for the bris, we thought we would also celebrate Samara's upcoming birthday. Since I was a little busy that day, Grampi and Grandma offered to give Samara her lunch.

After everyone got their fill of food, it was birthday cake time. Samara is absolutely ready for her cake.

To Seth's chagrin, I got another over-the-top expensive cake -- but look how awesome Elmo looks!

Compared to last year, Samara's cake eating was relatively uneventful and not too messy.

After Samara finished her cake, it was play time! First, Samara enjoyed watching/listening to Grampi make noises with an empty raisin box.

Then, she tried her new tea pot set.

Finally, she tried out her new plastic food for her kitchen.