Sunday, September 29, 2013

08/24/13: Arnold Arboretum

August 24, 2013

It was a nice day out, so Seth and I decided to take Samara to the Arnold Arboretum. We were pushing Samara in the stroller and we noticed she was looking very unimpressed. She had a very odd, but funny, look on her face.

Then she started acting a little fussy, so we stopped at the first available bench and gave her a bottle. She had a hard time drinking it because she was so curious. Every time someone would walk or bike by, her head would follow them. It was cute, but a little annoying because she wasn't eating! Eventually we got her to drink most of it, but it took a while.

Once she finished eating, Seth strapped Samara into the Bjorn and she had a fun time exploring and touching all the trees and flowers. We didn't explore most of the arboretum today, but we will definitely go back to see some more of it!

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