Monday, April 21, 2014

12/24/13: Christmas Eve

December 24, 2013

Samara's new favorite thing to do is to take everything out of laundry baskets or toy containers one item at a time. In the picture below she toppled over her toy basket and slowly dug her way to the bottom. Technically speaking, it isn't the best picture I have taken of Samara, but it has caught something charming about the moment. You can't really tell from the picture, but her activity mat arches are sticking out of the basket. When she pulled it down, they went over her head and are circled around her body. You can see part of the blue arches by her right hand. I love how her messy ponytail is sticking straight up in the air. Finally, my most favorite aspect of the picture is how the angle of her head allows her long lashes to be the only part of her eyes that are visible. Every time I look at this picture my heart melts a little.

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