Sunday, August 3, 2014

7/4/14: July 4th weekend, part 1

July 4, 2014

On this rainy July 4, we headed up to Maine to stay at Aunty Sarah and Uncle Steve's house. Grampi and Grandma were also visiting. When we arrived, people were hanging out, drinking, and having a good time. I think Samara felt she had to catch up, so she grabbed a can of strawberry margarita, threw her head back, and pretend chugged it.

When Samara got her fill, we hung out for a bit.

Then we headed over to Cousin Francis/Peter's house for dinner. The previous owner had a cat, so there was a cat door going to the basement. Samara was investigating it, which caught Aunty Sarah's attention. Aunty Sarah dropped to the floor and checked it out with her. Although I do not own photographic evidence of this, if you ask Sarah nicely she just might show you.

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