Samara's jumps have continued to improve, which reinforces her excitement about practicing them at home. You can see that she can't even wait until a count of 3 is over before she jumps!
A little while later, a very exciting milestone occurred:
Ever since Samara turned 2, I feel that she has been making huge leaps and bounds towards becoming a "real person." First, her vocabulary has exploded, as well as her ability to speak in multi-word sentences (which only recently occurred). She is now officially a "sponge" and comes home with new words or phrases that make me pause and wonder where she picked them up. Second, her ability to match shapes and/or pictures is starting to emerge. In the video below, you can see that Samara has two places where her tiger puzzle piece could go. She knows which hole to put it in, and keeps rotating the piece until it falls into place. Before she would randomly mash pieces into holes and not know to rotate a piece to get it to fit.
I also like how this video from 4 months ago shows Samara with some baby pudge on her still.
One of Samara's favorite songs is Baa Baa Black Sheep. She loves having it sung to her at bedtime and she can often be hear singing it throughout the day. She doesn't quite know what all the words are yet, but that doesn't stop her.
Samara has had a baby brother for two months and has seen me nurse him many times. Apparently, she has watched me enough to feel confident in feeding her own baby.
Samara's new bedtime routine involves brushing her teeth, reading books, and singing. She sings all the time now and it is super cute. The first thing she sang was bits and pieces of the alphabet song. My favorite part was when she got to "LMNOP" because she has no idea what was being said, so it sounded like cute gibberish.
The video below is Samara hanging out with Seth singing Old MacDonald. The first part of the video is hard to hear, but Seth is asking Samara what animal Old MacDonald had for the song to continue. How adorable are both of them lying down together?
Zane and I were hanging out on the couch watching Seth and Samara play. Samara dug out a toy that plays some music and started to wiggle back and forth to it. Zane was on my lap while I was filming, so his arm and hand float appear every now and then.
You know how sometimes pets get sort of crazy in the evening? They run around in circles all around the house. Well, Samara was doing a similar thing - perhaps she was hyper from eating a small piece of chocolate?
She did that a few times, then she calmed down a bit and wiggled around a bit to Seth's music.