Friday, July 31, 2015

3/28/15: Puzzles

March 28, 2015

Ever since Samara turned 2, I feel that she has been making huge leaps and bounds towards becoming a "real person." First, her vocabulary has exploded, as well as her ability to speak in multi-word sentences (which only recently occurred). She is now officially a "sponge" and comes home with new words or phrases that make me pause and wonder where she picked them up. Second, her ability to match shapes and/or pictures is starting to emerge. In the video below, you can see that Samara has two places where her tiger puzzle piece could go. She knows which hole to put it in, and keeps rotating the piece until it falls into place. Before she would randomly mash pieces into holes and not know to rotate a piece to get it to fit.

I also like how this video from 4 months ago shows Samara with some baby pudge on her still.

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