Thursday, January 2, 2014

11/2/13: Hiking and giggling

November 2, 2013

This morning we met up with some friends and their kids and went for a little hike. Samara loves being in the Bjorn and looking at her surroundings.

As I mentioned before, Samara's personality is starting to emerge and she loves being playful. Here you can see her playing around with another baby, apparently trying to lick her.

We pulled Samara away and she just laughed.

We are also trying to get Samara to wave. Seth is showing her how.

Here she is sort of doing it on her own. Good job, Samara!

When Samara is in the Bjorn, she loves licking and chewing on it.

Later that day, Grampi and Grandma came for a visit. When Grandma was holding Samara, Samara accidentally knocked over a container of spaghetti. Watch this video to see how entertaining this was to Samara. Sorry for the shaking. I was laughing with Samara.

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