Friday, January 3, 2014

11/3/13: I love food

November 3, 2013

As I have mentioned before, Samara loves solid food. There was a week where her teacher at daycare would tell me everyday how much food she ate.

Who loves eating? This girl:

Samara loves banana bread.

She likes using the spoon, but has no idea how to feed herself without making a gigantic mess. I usually don't let her try because I am a crazy person who doesn't like messes, even if they are made by my own baby. So I just give her a clean spoon.

Since Grampi and Grandma were visiting, we picked up a cheesecake. Samara was sitting next to Grampi when I gave him a slice, and you should have seen how big and excited her eyes got! Here she is trying to get to the cheesecake.

Ooh, denied. Sorry, Samara!

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