Saturday, July 6, 2013

06/25/13: Teething face and turning in a circle

June 25, 2013

I have been spoiled by being able to look at this lovely face for the past 5 months:

So when this face started showing up on Sunday, I was a little surprised:

And then there is this face:

These are the faces that made Grampi think she was teething.

But then there are still more of these faces:

and these faces greatly outnumber the teething ones, so it is all good.

Shortly after I took these pictures, Samara rolled herself on her tummy (no surprise now). However, I looked away for a minute or two and when I looked back she had turned herself 90 degrees! She is now able to turn herself in a circle when she is on her tummy. Here is a video that shows how she starts to turn, and then gets tired:

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