Tuesday, July 9, 2013

07/03/13: It's hot!

July 3, 2013

Even though I am on summer vacation, Samara is still on her normal schedule of waking up between 5 and 6 am. Seth gets up to give her the morning bottle, then we try to get her to fall asleep... which almost never happens. So Seth plops her in bed next to me and I get woken up by a squirming little body. She calms down a bit though:

Today was extremely hot and humid. Even with the air conditioner on, Samara still sweats a lot while eating. To help cool her down, Nana suggested putting a cool cloth on her forehead. I thought she looked cute, so I snapped some pics:

One of Samara's favorite new things to do is to be held up in front of the air conditioner. The following video shows you how excited she gets. *Warning* She screams really loudly, so you might want to watch your volume. If it weren't for her smiles throughout the video you would think we were torturing her.

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